The Village of Hartville is a great place to live, work, and raise a family! Surrounded by farms and rural greenery, Hartville is a thriving small community, with outstanding schools, places of worship, excellent safety forces, and a variety of recreational opportunities. The residents of Hartville have a strong sense of pride in a variety of civic endeavors that benefit the community.
Hartville has enjoyed prosperity and peacefulness due in part to the work ethic and moral commitment of its founders and successive generations of Ohioans. With major businesses and small town shops, Hartville is the center of activity for over 2900 residents, and thousands of weekend visitors. The greater Hartville community boasts several parks, restaurants and shops--so come visit us and see what you've been missing!
We are a strong community.
We work together during trying times,
and we will get through this trying time together.
Stay WELL Hartville!!
The Village of Hartville offers for sale, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code section 721.03, by the sealed bid process, the following parcel of real property: Parcel Number 2313297, 520 S. Prospect Avenue, Hartville. Situated in the Village of Hartville, County of Stark and State of Ohio; And known as and being 226 - 86.16 x 186.74'IRR NE; 227 - 73.20'EE of the Stark County Records. Permanent Parcel No. 2313297 - Subject to all reservations and easements appearing as of record. The parcel of real property is not needed for public use and shall be sold "as is" with no warranty or representation express or implied. All sealed bids shall contain the name of the person submitting the bid.
Bids will be accepted by regular mail and drop off to the Village of Hartville Administration Building located at 202 W. Maple Street, Hartville, 44632. Sealed bids will be accepted up to and including February 13th, 2025. All bids will be opened on February 14th, 2025. Any winning bidder must close the transaction within 90 days of acceptance and bidder shall be responsible for all closing costs.
This notice will be on this home page for review and will be available at least two weeks before the sale of the property.
The Village of Hartville reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids submitted.
By Ordinance of the Village of Hartville dated December 9th, 2024.
Winter Reminders
Reminder that there is NO PARKING on Village streets or right of ways during adverse weather conditions. (See Ordinance 1-11.32 Snow Parking Ban)
Homeowners are also reminded that keeping their sidewalks free of ice and snow is their responsibility. This includes the areas adjacent to driveways. Snow and ice shall be removed within 24 hours from the time when the snow ceases to fall. (See Ordinance 1-79.21 Sidewalks Snow Free)
We have a new DROP BOX that you may use for after hours.
This box is locked and will be checked twice a day during work hours.
![](/CMSFiles/HartvilleVillage/files/image/DROP BOX.jpg)
(located in the lobby of village hall - 202 W. Maple Street)![](/CMSFiles/HartvilleVillage/files/image/pill box.jpg)
The village is pleased to offer a prescription medication collection box for the disposal of unused or expired medications. The drop-off box is available in the lobby entrance of the village hall, 202 W. Maple Street. The drop-box is accessible to the public during regular business hours Monday thru Friday.
Please package your unwanted medications in clear plastic baggies.
Please remove or blackout your personal information on the bottles.
![Memorial Park](/CMSFiles/HartvilleVillage/files/image/parkpicture.jpg)
The Village Hall will begin reserving the shelters in Memorial Park January 1st.
Those interested must fill out the HARTVILLE MEMORIAL PARK APPLICATION and return it to the Village Hall.
You may view a few Closed Shelter pictures.
For availability of both the open and closed shelters view PARK CALENDAR.
Attention Veterans - Do you know that Stark County Veterans Service Commission offers many benefits to Stark County residents who have served in the military? Please call today if you need Service Assistance, Financial Assistance and/or Medical Transportation Assistance. For More Information please visit the website:
Stark County Veterans Service Commission is located at 2955 Wise Avenue NW, Canton, OH 44708 Telephone: 330.451.7457
America is the Land of the Free BECAUSE of the brave!
Any external hypertext links found within this Web Site contain information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. The links are provided for the user’s convenience. The Village of Hartville does not control nor guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. Further, the inclusion of these links is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it intended as an endorsement of any views expressed, products or services offered, or organizations sponsoring these sites.
Any correspondence or information transmitted over the Internet to the Village of Hartville or any of its employees may be a Public Record pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Chapter 149 and be subject to disclosure upon request.