The Board of Zoning Appeals powers and duties are to hear appeals, from the decisions of the Zoning Inspector, when interpretations of the zoning law are involved. They may also grant variances from the terms and provisions of the Village Zoning Ordinance.

Board of Zoning Appeals
The Board of Zoning Appeals meet on the fourth Thursday of each month on an as needed bases, and the public is invited to attend.

See the Community Calendar for the next scheduled meeting.

To contact the Board, please leave a message with the Office Manager, Cheryl Marcelli, at 330.877.9222

The Board of Zoning Appeals consists of three appointed members of the Village:

  • Matt Miller, Chair
  • Kevin Kenepp
  • Kevin Williams 

The 2025 dates for the Board of Zoning Appeals are as follows: BZA meetings and deadlilne dates  (ALL APPLICATIONS ARE DUE BY NOON)

Board of Architectural Review
The goal of the Architectural Review Board is to protect and enhance the natural beauty of Hartville. The board consists of three members, two of whom are Village residents, and the third member is an Architect.

The Historical Business District is monitored to maintain a high character of community development, by protecting and preserving the distinctive historical and architectural character of this Village.

Whenever a structure, commercial or residential, within the Historical District is proposed to be constructed or erected, and whenever an existing structure is proposed to be altered, reconstructed, enlarged or remodeled, an application for Certificate of Appropriateness is to filed with the Village office.

Certificate of Appropriateness Applications and guidelines are available under forms and permits for download.