Mike Lorentz, Fire Chief
Larry Ginther, Deputy Chief
P.O. Box 458
411 East Maple Street
Hartville, OH 44632
Emergency Phone: 911 or 330.877.9328
Non-Emergency: 330.877.2478
The Hartville Fire Department has been providing fire and emergency services in Hartville and Lake Township for over one hundred years. We began providing emergency medical services in 1965 with volunteer personnel.
Fire Department & EMS Information
Today the Hartville Fire Department supplies progressive and cost effective 24 around the clock, 365 days a year staffing of two (2) Fire Stations, one located at 411 East Maple Street in Hartville and a second fire station located at 2955 Nimishillen Church Street NE, Lake Township. These stations are staffed by dedicated highly trained career full-time Firefighter/Paramedics, part-time and on call emergency personnel.
Our ambulances carry the latest state of the art electronic life sustaining equipment available today such as; the Physio Control Life-Pak 15, which features 15 lead cardiac monitoring, cardiac pacing and defibrillator functions which allows Paramedics and EMT'S to intervene in patients suffering sudden cardiac arrest. In addition we have direct electronic communications between our emergency ambulances and all area major hospital emergency rooms, we can send 15 lead EKG's while en route to the hospital, which allows them to have emergency physicians standing by when we arrive at the hospital.
The Hartville Fire Department was awarded by ISO a 4/6 fire protection classification which affords Hartville area residents the same home fire insurance ratings as if they lived in a large city such as Canton, Ohio.
Hundreds of hours are spent by our dedicated staff maintaining equipment and attending training drills so we can maintain our 4/6 ISO fire protection classification and save our citizens on their insurance rates.
Emergency Medical Personnel also attend and participate in continuing emergency medical education on a Monthly basis which is provided by Summa Medical Center emergency room physicians in Akron, Ohio.
Emergency medical calls have increased dramatically over the recent years as the Hartville and Lake Township area communities continue to experience rapid growth, which by all accounts will be the future trend.
We are proud of our town and our members who unselfishly serve others in need. As always we stand ready, willing and prepared to meet the needs and challenges in providing these services to the citizens we serve.
I bet you ask yourself "what does a fireman actually do". Well there is a percentage of calls that involve fire. These men and women go on calls for automobile accidents, search and rescue, medical calls, and pretty much any other emergency that an individual calls 9-1-1 for.
When they are not busy with that, they spend time on training, to keep their skills sharp, and they make sure their equipment is in excellent shape.
Firemen also work to prevent fires. In many communities, firefighters inspect businesses' sprinkler systems and possible fire hazards within that business.
You may also check with your local fire department to see if they might offer classes, such as CPR, Red Cross and how to use a fire extinguisher.
Please take the time to visit a local fire department and thank them for their service to your community!!
Fire sprinklers have been in existence since the 1870's.
Sprinklers typically reduce chances of dying in a fire and the average property loss by one-half to two-thirds in any kind of property where they are used.
Please visit the National Fire Protection Association's website for further information.
Don't stay home without one!
Every year thousands of people die and more are injured in residential fires. Many victims die from inhaling smoke and toxic gases. Most deaths and injuries occur during the night while the victims are asleep. People sleeping must be warned before it is too late.
By providing an early warning in the event of a fire, smoke alarms may allow you and your family sufficient time to reach safety.
Smoke Alarms are life-saving and can be purchased at a low cost. Or you may visit your local fire department and ask if they offer any to their residents free of charge.
Fire Prevention Week begins the second week of October.
For more information on fire safety please visit the National Fire Protection Association's website.
Did you know that the leading cause of accidental fires in American homes comes from fuel burning appliances?
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, solid fuel burning appliances account for 5 to 10 percent of all household fires, and cause major damage for homeowners. The main causes of fire include: inadequate clearance between the wood burner and walls, floors and furniture; creosote buildup in chimney; poorly or improperly installed chimneys and improper installation of the wood burner itself. Here are some tips that will help keep you and your family safe this winter:
* Read the instructions for your wood burning stove and follow them carefully.
* Do not use flammable or comustible liquid (gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, etc.) to start a fire.
* Do not burn plastics, wood or garbage that has been painted or treated with chemicals.
* Put ashes in a metal container with a metal lid. Then place the container onto a concrete surface away from combustible materials outside.
* Never leave a fire in a fireplace unattended. Before turning in for the evening, be sure that the fire is fully extinguished. Supervise children and pets closely around wood stoves and fireplaces.
Fire and Emergency Medical Equipment
Hurst Jaws of Life
Powerful life saving hydraulic powered equipment has the ability to free victims trapped or pinned in motor vehicles. (This equipment was originally donated by the Hartville Lions Club)
Rescue Air Bags
This equipment is capable of lifting or spreading up to 74 tons. The air bags are able to fit under heavy machinery, cars, trucks or farm machinery.
Hurst Rams
These heavy-duty hydraulic tools are used to provide greater spreading capabilities in conjunction with other hydraulic rescue tools at motor vehicle accidents and other rescue incidents.
Lifepak 15
State of the art life saving equipment features: Emergency Defibrillation, 15 lead EKG Cardiac Monitoring, Pacing and AED function which allows Paramedics and EMT's to intervene in patients experiencing heart attacks and cardiac arrest. In addition our ambulances have direct electronic communications with all area hospitals emergency rooms for voice and transmission of EKG's.
24/7 Protection
24 hour around the clock staffing of two (2) fire stations by highly trained Paramedics and Firefighters. Average on scene emergency response times of five (5) minutes or less.
Other Services Provided by the Hartville Fire Department
- Annual pancake breakfasts, open house and fire prevention activities
- CPR and First Aid Training Classes
- Station tours for adults and children
- Children's fire prevention education
- Safety and severe weather training materials
- Blood pressure checks 8:00 to 5:00 daily or anytime you feel a problem exists
- Child passenger safety seat check and installation
- General assistance anytime
Fire Safety Starts With You!
Install at least one smoke detector on every level of your home. This includes the basement. There should be one outside each sleeping area. In apartment buildings there should be at least one or more smoke detectors in each apartment. Install, test and change smoke detectors batteries annually or when you change your clocks.