Within the Village right-of-way service crews perform a variety of tasks including snow and ice control, traffic sign and pavement marking/painting, traffic signal repair, pothole repair, roadside berming & mowing, street tree pruning, and dead animal pickup.
Street Commissioner:
Anthony Nichols 330.877.3006
455 Wales Drive
Hartville, Ohio 44632
Email: anichols@hartvilleoh.com
Office Hours:
7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday - Friday
Street Department Information
In addition to street maintenance responsibilities, our department is responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the street pavement within the Village Corporate Limits.
Parking Restrictions for Residential Streets
It is prudent to impose parking restrictions upon residential streets located within the Village.
Ordinance 01-17.09
Storm Sewer System
Please know that by blowing your lawn and garden debris into the streets can be bad and result in street flooding. This debris ends up in the stormwater drainage system and over time, it can clog pipes, resulting in street flooding.as well as possibly backing up into homes. We ask that you PLEASE help our community by keeping the streets and drainage areas around your property clean and clear of litter, leaves, and grass clippings. LET'S WORK TOGETHER TO KEEP THE VILLAGE OF HARTVILLE BEAUTIFUL AND SAFE!
Leaf Collection (Begins the 1st day of October and ends on the last day of November) - is a courtesy provided by the Village of Hartville, and in order to provide an efficient and effective leaf collection service for all residents please following these guidelines listed below:
- Rake leaves to the edge of the roadway, or back of curb.
- Do Not Rake Leaves Onto the Street.
- No branches, twigs, or grass clippings will be collected - Only Leaves!
- Do not park on the street until all leaves have been picked up. Leaves under, and behind parked cars Cannot Be Collected.
Snow Removal
All streets within the Village of Hartville are salted and plowed as needed by the Department. To guarantee that emergency vehicles, schools and local businesses can resume to operate during these times, a precedence of streets are as follows: Primary Streets, Secondary Streets, and Alleys/Courts) Private streets are not cared for.
A few guidelines to improve Snow Removal:
- Prevent parking on streets overnight during the winter months when snow is likely.
- Move/shovel plowed snow to the right of driveways (when facing the street) in order to keep the Village staff from plowing snow back onto the property.
The Village of Hartville enforces Ordinance 1-79.21, which states that the public is accountable for clearing snow from sidewalks in front of their property.
Snow Parking Ban - The Village of Hartville enacted Ordinance 1-10.19 establishing an emergency snow parking ban during adverse weather conditions.
If you have any questions regarding any of the above, please call the Street Department at
Street Lights - Residents - Please report any broken or non-functioning street light(s) to the following: First Energy to report the outage.
Potholes - To report potholes or other street maintenance problems, please call the Street Department at 330.877.3006.
Traffic signals - To report problems with traffic signals during business hours, contact Village Hall at 330.877.9222. To report problems after hours, contact the Village Police Department at 330.877.2500.
Soil Testing - What's in your soil? Understanding the soil test can give you the information you need to make good decisions. Please visit the Stark Soil and Water website for more information.
Rain Barrels - Why buy a rain barrel? A rain barrel captures water from a roof and holds it for later use such as gardens or indoor/outdoor plants. It prevents water from entering into the storm drains, decreasing the risk of flooding. For more information regarding how you can keep your water sources clean please visit https://www.lakecountyohio.gov/smd/whats-stormwater/what-can-you-do

Storm in a Glass - Here is something to do while we are at home with our children:
Build a "Storm in a Glass" to engage our children in Stormwater.
Post Construction BMPS - Stark Stewardship Live!